Category: women in special

  • Same in graphic design?

    Same in graphic design?

    As we know, there is a lack of women (or better visible women?) in webdesign, but what about graphics? Here I found an article about the reality in page-online: There is one sentence which is typical for all you women and men who try to focus women in care and traditional positions: … hard…

  • Articles about Female Webdesign

    In 2008 Lee Munroe found at least 25 female webdesigners he found worth to be mentioned Already in 2010, smashing magazine published a small list of female webdesigners: Is it important if webdesign is female or male? Later, in 2012 another article in Templatemonster takes a look at the design: and the…

  • List of 100 female webdesigners

    I just found a nice page with a list of female webdesingers: So I was curious and looked at some of the listed pages and further the suggested pages in the comments. My personal selection is here – and I hope there will be more suggestions, too. Maybe we will reach the 100s? Sure.…

  • Women working together with women?

    Often I wonder if women work better together with other women or with men? Here in webdesign my collegues are both but depending on the number of individuals I work often together with men. So it is kind of lack of expierience. My focus is more on the work not on “private” interests. Looking at…

  • There is still a small difference between men and women …

    Times has changed in many ways but there is still a difference about the money we earn. What are the reasons in your opinion and how much do you earn?